Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Now is the best time to go to Siem Reap, Cambodia! Here's how!

Last year, we celebrated our wedding anniversary by going on a trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia.  It was one of the best trips we had.

Here's how you can plan for your trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia.

We were told that April or May is very hot.  We went there February but is was already very hot.  I can't imagine how much hotter it would be during April or May.  Always wear a cap and drink lots of water to avoid heat stroke. Avoid rainy seasons also.

We took JetStar and spent around SG$500+ for 2 people. Try to look out for promos from Jetstar so you can save a bit more.

We booked at Bopha Angkor Hotel which is about US$45 for double bed. We booked using  I suggest you don't get the taxi booking option.  Ask Mara Long, our recommended tour guide to pick you up from the airport.

 For tours, you can email Mr. Mara Long of Just tell him the type of tour you want and he can give you a quote. Our 3-day tour (private car) cost about US$254. That includes some of the extra charge for going to farther temples and some meals. Again, ask Mara to pick you up form the airport (usually free as part of the tour package).

You need to pay separately for the entrance to the temples. A 3-day pass would be US$40 per head (Note:  this was last year's rate). This pass is applicable to most temples already. This is convenient since you don't need to pay entrance fees at every stop.

Angkor Wat

Ta Prohm Temple - famous for being the location for the Tomb Raider movie

Food is not really as cheap as expected since they follow US$ as their main currency.  Expect meals to be around US$15-20 per person.

The "fish amok" and exotice barbecues are a must try.

Fish Amok - fish in coconut milk with different spices.

Exotic BBQ - crocodile and snake meat tastes like chicken

They use US$ as a main currency even if Riel is their official currency. So when you exchange money, ask for small US$ bills. When you pay, they would give US$ as change except for coins, which they convert to Riel.  Collect these Riel coins so you can use it for souvenir items.

There will be a lot of people at the temple selling you books about Angkor. They will try to sell it to you at US$30. We were able to haggle for 2 books at US$10. Only to find out that each were being sold at US$1 only in other temples!!!!!  I recommend you get the Book Guides Ancient Angkor or Cambodia (Country Guide).  I highly recommend the Book Guides Ancient Angkor because of the very detailed explanation of each temple.

For more information on what places you can visit in Siem Reap, check out my previous blog posts about Siem Reap, Cambodia.

I would again remind you to drink lots of water during this hot season.  You don't want getting heatstroke there.

Finally, enjoy the trip! ;)

Hope these help.

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Siem Reap, Cambodia - Preah Ko

Preah Ko is the first temple built in Roluos, which is 15km south of Siem Reap.

There are six brick towers in this temple.

Unlike the first set of temples we visited, this temple is made of bricks instead of large stones.


Some of the doors in Preah Ko have inscriptions carved on it.

Lime Mortar

Instead of carved stone, images are made out of lime mortar.

Stone Lintels

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Friday, February 19, 2010

Siem Reap, Cambodia - Ta Prohm

Entrance to Ta Prohm

Ta Prohm is one of the popular temples in Siem Reap. Ta Prohm was one of the locations where Tomb Raider was shot.

Ta Prohm

Ta Prohm is one of the heavily damaged ruins. Surprisingly, it was not a war or major distaster that destroyed this temple.

The temple was destroyed by the large trees that grew between the stones.

Silk Cotton trees

Silk cotton trees grew all around the temple and destroyed many of the structures.

Strangler Fig trees

Strangler fig trees have also grown large and destroyed the temple.

Here you'll see how large the trees are compared to one of the tourists walking.

Ta Prohm Ruins


There are many pathways in Ta Prohm that have been blocked by fallen stone.


Images of the Apsara are found along the temple walls.

Strangled Buddha

This strangled image of a buddha is a popular attraction in Ta Prohm.

It may seem big, but the image of the buddha under the tree is just one feet tall.

Wall Carvings

Many stone wall carvings are also present here. These walls are 2 storeys high.


There's extensive restoration in this temple due to its popularity to tourists.

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Siem Reap, Cambodia - Banteay Samre


Stone lions guard the entrance to Banteay Samre.

Stone Bridge

The stone bridge lets you cross what used to be a moat.

Banteay Samre

Banteay Samre is a little farther from Angkor Wat. However, you will find that its towers have very similar designs.


Walls of Banteay Samre.


Some worshipers place offerings around different areas of the temple. Some of them accept donations in exchange for prayers.


Many symbols of Linga can be seen within this temple. The linga in this temple vary in sizes.


Entrance to the galleries.


Banteay Samre also has its own library.

Door Carvings

Intricate designs are also seen in this temple.

Cruciform Terrace

A Cruciform Terrace is also seen in Banteay Samre. Unfortunately, this section has lost its roof.

Rear Entrance

The rear entrance is where you will most likely start your journey into Banteay Samre as the main entrance is not accessible by road.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Siem Reap, Cambodia - Pre Rup

Pre Rup

Pre Rup was the State Temple of King Rajendravarman's capital.

Pre Rup means, 'turning the body'. Although this meaning is said to be misleading. Turning the body of a corpse is a cremation rite.

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Siem Reap, Cambodia - Phnom Bakheng


Many tourists make their climb up the hill to see the sunset at Phnom Bakheng.

There used to be a steep stair climb, but this has been made unsafe by the rain. You have to use the long winding road or the elephant trail to go up.

Phnom Bakheng

Phnom Bakheng was the State temple of the first city of Angkor.

The Wait

Many tourists gather at Phnom Bakheng to watch the sunset.

Angkor Wat

You can see Angkor Wat from a distance from the top of Phnom Bakheng.


This is is your reward for the long climb up the hill.

...more to come.

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